Yep, the battle is on...

It's flu season and even with our flu shots we got hit with it at our house.  My hubby was the last in his office to succumb to it.  And now I'm fighting it off.  I will not share the gory details!
Ceramic beads.
Yesterday, I did get my camera gear out to complete next week's Flickr group themes.  Macro Monday is "ceramics" and Crazy Tuesday is "red".  Of course, I shot macros for both.  I just wasn't up to going out in the cold looking for fitting subjects.
I'm kind of bored with what I'm doing with my photography right now or maybe it's been the group's themes.  My plan is to experiment with a photo project of my own next week when I'm feeling better!
A salute to Warhol, ha! 
Enjoy your day!


  1. love the maters and they are red.. your macros are stunning and if I could take them like this my blog would be flooded with them

    1. Thank you Sandra, that is so great to hear and makes me feel much better!

  2. Sorry to hear about the flu. I teach in a primary school and I have been dodging it all season. Be well!

  3. I love them all...and love your salute to Warhol....

  4. I love anything blue, and those beads just attracted my attention, but your other photos are just as pretty :)


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