
If you have ever seen an airshow, you would be excited too.  From this letter I learned there would be a flyover at around 3pm over our house. Today!  Right over our house.
I took the following photo standing in our back yard.  I'm so disappointed that my timing and calculations were off.  Tomorrow, there will be another fly over in Oklahoma, but it will be farther east, maybe an hour's drive from where we live.  Maybe I just need to go to another Air Show to get some better photos.
As you see in this letter, this observance was to show appreciation and recognition of the amazing  healthcare workers fighting the war on COVID19.   We appreciate all the individuals serving their communities...nurses, doctors, EMSA, fire and police departments, everywhere. An amazing group of people!
Enjoy your day!  


  1. I can understand your excitement . I would be thrilled to see that.

  2. Wow, that would really be exciting to see right from home!


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